Emily Fair
for Wayzata School Board

F Family Concerns-
School Security, Substance Abuse & Bullying Prevention
A Academic Achievement-
Better resources for students and teachers for stronger outcomes -
I Integration-
Promoting collaboration among the student body
R Results-
Emily Fair is a voice representing the families and students in Wayzata School District.
Emily Fair has been a teacher for 20+ years and has taught students in Taiwan and in the US. Currently she holds a MN state license in teaching Chinese at Fridley High School. She has two Master’s degrees in Special Education and General Education. She also has volunteered teaching at MN Yucai Chinese School in Plymouth for 5 years.
For ALL !!

Vote for
Emily Fair
Today , 11/5 !!

Emily is the kindest and most caring teacher I know. Always doing what is in her students' best interests. She is exactly who you want on your school board!
- Kirk Myhra, co-worker at Fridley High School
I have worked with Emily Fair at Asian American group of Wayzata, an educational nonprofit organization in the past two years. She has demonstrated great passion and execution capacity through her leadership in several projects which include seminar organizing, fund raising, and team building. I highly recommend her as the best choice of Wayzata school board member and believe that she will help bring our school district excellence to the next level.
- Wei Qiao, President of Asian American Group of Wayzata
I wholeheartedly endorse Emily in this effort. Knowing Emily's background in education, I feel that she would be a valuable asset to the Wayzata School Board. She is a kind and compassionate person that I believe has our children's best interest at heart. Emily has my full endorsement, having seen first had, her dedication to her profession!
- David Lawton Craig, a parent in the Wayzata School District